1. Newspaper article with author

Author(s) of article – family name and initials, use & for multiple authors. (Year of publication, month day). Title of article. Newspaper title – italicised, p. page number(s).

Precede page numbers with p. or pp.


Cook, D. (2002, January 28). All in the mind. The Age, p. 8.



2. Newspaper article, no author

Title of article. (Year of publication, month day). Newspaper title – italicised, p. page number(s).


Meeting the needs of counsellors. (2001, May 5). The Courier Mail, p. 22.



3. Newspaper article - online   

Author(s) - last name, initial(s), use & for multiple authors. (Year, month date). Article title. Newspaper title - italicised. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxxx

Title of article. (Year of publication, month day). Newspaper title – italicised. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxxx


Sinnerton, J. (2017, September 19). Nutritionists warn conflicting eating advice from social media creates dangerously unhealthy diets. The Courier Mail. Retrieved from



4. Newspaper article from fulltext database

Author(s) - last name, initial(s), use & for multiple authors. (Year, month date). Article title. Newspaper title - italicised, p. Page Number. Retrieved from Database Name.


Lampathakis, P. (1997, August 11). Tantrums seen as suicide warning. The West Australian, p. 26. Retrieved from Factiva database.



5. Magazine article - print  

Author(s) - last name, initial(s), (Year, month). Title of article. Magazine title - italicised, volume - italicised(issue), pages.


Marano, H.E. (2008, March-April). Making of a perfectionist. Psychology Today, 41, 80-86.



6. Magazine article - online  

Author(s) - last name, initial(s). (Year, month). Article title. Magazine title - italicised, volume - italicised(issue). Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxx


Flora, C. (2017, September/October). The hardest word. Psychology Today, 50(5). Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/201709/the-hardest-word?collection=1105674